Social Justice
Tikkun Olam - Repairing the World
Social Justice
Throughout the year we participate in or host a variety of activities that support the Jewish value of Tikkun Olam (World Repair). Activities may include events designed to meet local needs, making our voice heard through participation in community forums, and educating ourselves and our children about issues currently facing our city, our country, and the world.

Family Promise
Temple Israel is proud to be a Family Promise host congregation. Family Promise is not just about getting families into housing, but it is also about addressing the underlying issues of homelessness and financial insecurity. We use existing community resources to help solve these issues. In the process, we are transforming the lives of children and homeless families throughout the county.
Food Drives
Our community embraces the mitzvah (commandment) of feeding the hungry. We host several food drives each year, including:
Yom Kippur Food Drive and Mazon Appeal
Thanksgiving Food Drive for Saint Mary's Interfaith Dining Room
Ongoing Collection of Non-Perishables for the Stockton Emergency Food Bank

Tzedaka Team
Tzedaka Team is a part of our children's educational experience. Students of all ages are encouraged to bring a small donation each time they come to temple. Tzedaka recipients and fundraising goals are selected by the Tzedaka Team, which is made up of our 7th and 8th grade students. Past recipients have included:
Pizza IDF (Israel Defense Forces)
Wounded Warriors
Seeing Eye Dogs for the Blind
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Cancer Society
Hadassah Hospital
Lone Soldier